June 19th to 21st in Las Vegas

LIVE in Orlando, FL. Jan. 6th, 7th and 8th, Perry Belcher & Friends

Honor System Pricing Expiring in:

the AI Conference that

makes you money

ATTENTION: Founders, Marketers and Agency Owners Come Ride The...

"In Just 3 Days... We Will FORCE FEED You Millions in Skills & Make You a CERTIFIED Automations Expert – So You Can Ride The TRILLION Dollar A.I. & Robotics Wave"

LIVE in Orlando, FL Jan. 6th, 7th and 8th, Perry Belcher & Friends will Break Down the 10 Most Disruptive & Profitable A.I. and R.P.A Business Models for 2025! 

ATTENTION: Founders, Marketers and Agency Owners Come Ride The...

From the desk of Perry Belcher

Austin, TX

September 8th, 2024

Dear Forward Thinking Entrepreneur,

Are you FINALLY ready to make some real money with A.I.?

If you're reading this letter, it means you're one of the select few who understand that we're standing at the crossroads of the greatest wealth creation opportunity since the dawn of the internet.

I'm talking, of course, about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

“You Have No Idea What’s Coming”

Eric Schmidt, Former Google CEO

But here's the problem:

99% of the so-called "experts" out there teaching you how to earn with A.I. and R.P.A. have never actually used these technologies to make real money in a real business.

They're what I call "theory preachers" – all talk, no walk.

And if you've been burned by their empty promises before, I don't blame you for being skeptical right now.

In fact, I encourage that skepticism. It's what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the wishful thinkers.

So let me be clear: I'm not here to sell you a dream. I'm here to offer you a reality – proven, tested, and verified systems for leveraging A.I. and R.P.A. to build a business or even an Empire.

How can I make such a bold claim?

Because unlike those "theory preachers," I actually use AI and RPA every single day in my multimillion dollar businesses, along with a select group of real experts...

And we're about to reveal every detail of our system to a small group of serious entrepreneurs who are ready to join us at the forefront of this technological revolution.

But here's the problem:

99% of the so-called "experts" out there teaching you how to earn with A.I. and R.P.A. have never actually used these technologies to make real money in a real business.

They're what I call "theory preachers" – all talk, no walk.

And if you've been burned by their empty promises before, I don't blame you for being skeptical right now.

In fact, I encourage that skepticism. It's what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the wishful thinkers.

So let me be clear: I'm not here to sell you a dream. I'm here to offer you a reality – proven, tested, and verified systems for leveraging A.I. and R.P.A. to build a business or even an Empire.

How can I make such a bold claim?

Because unlike those "theory preachers," I actually use AI and RPA every single day in my multimillion dollar businesses, along with a select group of real experts...

And we're about to reveal every detail of our system to a small group of serious entrepreneurs who are ready to join us at the forefront of this technological revolution.

Everything Has Changed Since the Last AI Bot Summit

AI Bot Summit 3 was just 6 months ago and man, have things changed since then...It seems that every time we do a new one of these, 75% of the groundbreaking, world-shaking systems we covered last time are now obsolete because the systems are getting so much better .

Here are just a few of the giant changes, and what we’re going to cover at this upcoming Summit…

A.I. Prompting is DEAD - A.I. Framing is King

The difference between AI prompting and AI framing is all about approach. Prompting is like giving the AI a straight up command. It’s clear, direct, and it gets you an answer, kind of like looking something up in an encyclopedia.

Framing, though, is where the magic happens. You’re not just asking for info—you’re setting the scene, giving the AI a role or context to work from. It’s like turning it into a specific persona that delivers more targeted, human responses.

Framing adds layers, making the interaction feel more authentic and laser focused on your goals. It's smarter, more strategic, and way more effective.

I’ll break this down in the first session of the first day so you will start FRAMING A.I. for way better results (and way more profits)!!!

Custom GPT’s RULE The Day for Point & Shoot Solutions

Want to rake in profits with custom GPTs? Here's the play: Focus on building AI solutions that are laser targeted to specific industries, or use them for your own internal needs.

Think automation that handles repetitive tasks, boosts customer service, or skyrockets productivity. But don’t stop there. Tailor your GPTs to niche needs like sales funnels, marketing optimization, or customer support workflows. 

You can charge for setup, roll out a subscription, or go full on SaaS. 

The secret sauce? Solve real business headaches, save time, cut costs, and make your GPT indispensable to daily operations. The more pain points you fix, the more your clients will pay. Simple, scalable, and wildly profitable!

Wait till you see the full session on Custom GPTs. You’ll leave with over 50 of my private GPT’s, moreover you’ll be able to build your own to automate ANY task in just minutes. 

I even give you a GPT that builds GPTS!!!

A.I. Powered Chatbots Turn Websites Interactive Leaving Millions of DEAD Websites in the Dust

AI powered chatbots are a game changer for businesses looking to make and save money. 

By automating routine customer service tasks, companies slash the need for expensive human agents and keep the lights on 24/7. 

These bots not only improve customer satisfaction but also drive sales through personalized recommendations, upsells, and seamless purchase guidance. 

Internally, they handle tasks like scheduling and data collection, boosting productivity across the board. 

With faster response times, businesses retain more customers, scale faster, and avoid hefty staffing costs. 

The bottom line? 

Chatbots offer a cost effective, scalable way to deliver consistent, profitable customer experiences.

And you are about to learn how to build and sell them :) + I’ll let you use my Bot Builder software FREE to get started.

A.I. Powered Software Now Takes Minutes to Develop, Opening the SaaS Industry to EVERYONE!

Developing micro SaaS applications can gather leads and make money by offering highly targeted, niche solutions that solve specific problems for small businesses or professionals. 

And it's SOOOOOO easy and fast now!

Unlike GPT’s you can host these solutions on your own domains.

These lightweight, easy to use apps attract a focused user base, turning them into leads for related products or services. 

With a subscription based model, your micro SaaS generates recurring revenue. 

The simplicity and scalability of the apps allow for lower costs, while providing value driven solutions that customers are willing to pay for. 

Offering free trials or freemium versions helps capture leads, building trust and converting users into paying customers over time.

I will build an app in 5 minutes from stage LIVE!!! So you can see how easy it is. I’ll even give you access to my SaaS building platform for you to play with “on the house”

Combining AI and RPA for "done for you" services is pure gold for business owners. 


Because it lets them automate the boring, timesucking tasks that drain their resources and focus, without lifting a finger.

Imagine running a business where tedious processes like customer service and data entry run on autopilot, 24/7, without you having to think about it. It slashes costs, boosts efficiency, and frees you up to focus on making money. 

It's a hands-off, cash generating machine that scales fast and delivers real value—all while you sit back and watch the profits roll in.

This IS the fastest path to cash you’ll find. Best of all, you’ll get it in its entirety on the 1st day of AI Bot Summit… PLUS I’ll give you a separately recorded 6 hour training on exactly how to do it as a Bonus!!!!

Plus don’t forget… you get certified too :)

Becoming an in-demand AI and RPA specialist is like hitting the lottery in today’s economy. 

Here’s the deal: businesses everywhere are scrambling to automate, cut costs, and increase efficiency. 

But here’s the kicker—there aren’t enough experts who truly know how to do it right. 

That means you can charge premium fees for your expertise. 

Remember $10,000 website builders in the 90’s :)

You’re solving massive problems, which puts you in a position to name your price. 

And as automation takes over more industries, demand skyrockets while supply stays low. If you’re serious about making real money, this is the path to get there—fast.

The demand is SOOOOO high here it’s hard to lose. We will cover this in depth with Kasim Aslam, my partner in TechStack.com, our tech automation service.

He’s coming with SOPs and a profit map for you in the A.I. Automations Agency game.

Most Importantly..

The biggest change about AI Bot Summit 4 is the format...

We made a big decision this year to concentrate on the business models that work in AI, not just the tools that drive them. We’ll be teaching you the direct line and how to connect the dots between AI technology and immediate profitability.

So, here are the 10 big business models that we will be teaching at this year's AI Bot Summit from top to finish. Every single one is AI or robotics driven, and every one is racking up the profits right now.

As you may know, my events are very different than most, in that you will get a full blown course on each one of these taught live firehose style.

Don't worry - there are recordings available for those who attend the event so you will be able to go back and watch over and over again if you miss something live.

NOTE: These recordings will not be available to non attendees.

The 10 Big A.I. Business Models Making Money Today

Business Model #1: A.I. & Robotics Automation Agency. “The Biggest Shortage of Providers in the World”

Like I stated above this is one of the most in demand services on the GLOBE today.

An AI automation agency typically operates by helping businesses automate repetitive, time consuming tasks through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA). The core business model revolves around the following components:

1. Consulting and Assessment: The agency evaluates the client’s current processes, identifying areas where automation would provide the most value. This often includes administrative tasks, customer service, marketing, and data management.

2. Custom AI and RPA Solutions: Based on the assessment, the agency develops and implements tailored AI powered tools and automation workflows. These can range from chatbots and AI driven customer support to automated marketing systems and back office data processing.

3. Ongoing Support and Maintenance: A significant part of the revenue comes from providing ongoing technical support, software updates, and performance monitoring to ensure the automation systems run smoothly and adapt to changing business needs.

4. Training and Education: To ensure businesses can maximize the use of AI tools, agencies often offer training sessions. These can be onetime workshops or ongoing training packages for employees.

5. Subscription or Licensing Models: Many agencies offer AI automation as a subscription service (SaaS), charging clients a monthly or annual fee to use their proprietary automation tools or for access to specialized AI software.

So what’s driving the INSANE demand?

The demand for AI automation agencies is fueled by several factors:

Cost Efficiency: Businesses are under pressure to reduce operational costs, and automation can significantly lower the need for manual labor in repetitive tasks.

Scalability: As companies grow, they need systems that can scale without proportional increases in labor. AI solutions offer scalability, handling more tasks with the same or less manpower.

Competitive Edge: Firms adopting automation can move faster, respond to customer needs more quickly, and provide a more personalized experience, which leads to a competitive advantage.

Labor Shortages: In many industries, finding and retaining staff for mundane tasks is challenging, and automation fills these gaps efficiently.

The rapid advancements in AI and automation technology ensure that the demand for such agencies will continue to grow as businesses seek to leverage these technologies to streamline operations, cut costs, and enhance customer experiences. 

This makes an AI automation agency highly relevant in today's business landscape.

Timing is EVERYTHING here. You need to learn this NOW and make hay while the sun shines. You will be prepared and certified after this event!!!

The Print On Demand (POD) business model using AI combines the flexibility of personalized products with the power of artificial intelligence to streamline operations, improve design quality, and increase profitability. Here's how it works and why it's such an advantage:

1. Product Selection & Customization:

Instead of holding inventory, POD businesses partner with suppliers who print and ship products (like Tshirts, mugs, posters, etc.) when a customer places an order.

With AI, you can automate the design and customization process, allowing customers to choose from a variety of templates or upload their own images, which AI tools can enhance, resize, or stylize in real time.

2. AI Driven Design Creation:

AI tools analyze design trends and customer preferences, helping you create product designs that are more likely to sell. For example, AI can suggest popular color combinations, layouts, and graphics based on market data.

AI can even generate personalized product suggestions based on customer data, such as previous purchases or browsing behavior.

3. Automated Marketing & SEO

AI tools can help optimize your marketing by generating targeted ads, optimizing SEO for product pages, and suggesting keywords and descriptions that attract more customers. This saves time and increases the likelihood of driving traffic to your POD store.

Predictive analytics can also forecast trends, allowing you to focus on products that will likely be popular in the future, keeping you ahead of competitors.

4. Supply Chain & Inventory Management:

AI integrates with the POD supplier's systems to automate the entire order process. As soon as a customer places an order, AI routes it to the supplier, who prints and ships the item, eliminating the need for manual intervention or inventory management.

This also reduces waste, as products are only printed when ordered, unlike traditional retail models that rely on bulk inventory.

5: Personalized Customer Experience:

AI can improve the customer experience by offering product recommendations, sending personalized followup emails, and even providing customer support via AI-powered chatbots.Customers can design products in realtime and get instant previews of their creations, which enhances engagement and satisfaction.

The advantages practically speak for themselves… But here’s some of the biggest ones:

1. Low Startup Costs:

With POD, there's no need for inventory or upfront printing costs, making it a low risk business model. AI further reduces costs by automating key tasks, allowing solopreneurs or small teams to run efficient businesses with minimal overhead.

2. Scalability:

AI tools allow you to scale your POD business easily. Since the process of designing, marketing, and fulfilling orders is largely automated, you can handle increasing order volumes without the need for additional staff or infrastructure.

3. Faster Time to Market:

AI can analyze current trends and help generate designs quickly, allowing you to capitalize on popular topics, events, or memes in real time. This agility is a huge competitive advantage in industries driven by fast changing consumer preferences.

4. Personalization & Customization:

Customers love personalized products, and AI allows you to offer them at scale. Whether it’s custom names, designs, or messages, AI tools can automate the personalization process, making it easy to fulfill custom orders efficiently.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making:

AI driven analytics provide valuable insights into customer behavior, product performance, and design preferences. This allows you to optimize your product offerings and marketing strategies based on real data, improving conversion rates and reducing guesswork.

6. Automation Reduces Manual Work:

AI handles repetitive tasks like designing, customer service, marketing, and order processing, freeing up your time to focus on growing your business and developing new products. This high level of automation means you can focus on strategy rather than daytoday operations.

7. Higher Profit Margins:

With AI optimizing every aspect of the business—design, marketing, and fulfillment—you can operate with lower costs and higher efficiency, leading to better profit margins. Additionally, AI driven product recommendations can boost upsells and cross sells, increasing the average order value.

8. Seamless Operations:

The automation provided by AI ensures that everything from design to fulfillment happens quickly and efficiently, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Start an AI- powered Print On Demand business today and tap into a scalable, low cost opportunity with huge profit potential. With no inventory and automated design tools, AI makes creating personalized products fast and easy. 

Build a business that works for you 24/7, generating passive income while you focus on growth!

The great news is this model isn't just limited to t-shirts and hats anymore… There are print on demand coffee companies, jewelry companies, pet food companies, on-demand foods, household supplies and more.

If you decide to go all out with this model you can even build a garage Factory like my friend that does a million dollars a year with only $700 worth of equipment at a 80% profit margin.

We cover the entire A.I. Pod process in 90 minutes at the Summit!!

Creating a Micro SaaS business with a focus on AI and robotics for lead generation and micro continuity.

MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) involves developing small, highly specialized SaaS platforms that automate specific processes for niche markets. Here’s how this business model works:

1. Niche Focus: Micro SaaS products are typically built to solve a very specific problem for a well defined audience. For example, an AI-powered lead generation tool could target real estate agents, consultants, or small eCommerce businesses.

2. AI and RPA for Lead Generation: The core offering revolves around automating the lead generation process. This includes data scraping and aggregation, using AI to gather leads from various sources like social media, websites, and directories, along with:

Lead scoring, where AI algorithms rank leads based on their likelihood to convert.

Personalized outreach, nurturing leads with automated personalized emails, LinkedIn messages, or SMS follow ups, all using natural language processing (NLP).

And seamless CRM integration to manage the lead pipeline automatically.

3. Micro Continuity Model: Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) comes from the subscription fees users pay to access the platform. The micro continuity model focuses on affordable, low cost monthly plans (often between $10 to $100/month), allowing small businesses or solopreneurs to easily afford the service. Users can opt for addons, premium features, or higher-tier plans to scale the service as their needs grow.

4. Automation with AI and Robotics: AI can analyze lead behavior, track interaction patterns, and make recommendations for the next steps (e.g., followup emails or calls) - all driven through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) that automates repetitive manual tasks like updating contact lists, sending reminders, or scheduling meetings, reducing the need for manual input.   

5. Micro SaaS Scalability: Unlike large enterprise SaaS models, Micro SaaS platforms focus on lean, self service tools. They require minimal customer support because they’re designed to be user friendly and self-sufficient.

Even if you don't sell your software, just the registrations you get for free trials alone will blow your list up to a level you could never imagine before. Micro SaaS is the secret weapon of list builders.

As more users subscribe, the low cost, high volume model generates significant recurring revenue without major overhead.

Steps to Build the Business:

1. Identify a Niche: 

Research specific industries or pain points where lead generation and micro continuity can add value. Examples could include real estate, B2B services, freelancers, or small agencies.

2. Develop the AI-Powered Tool: 

Create a tool that leverages AI and RPA to automate the most labor intensive parts of lead generation (e.g., finding leads, qualifying them, and reaching out).

3. Build a Simple, Subscription-Based Pricing Model: 

Offer a free trial or freemium model to attract users. Pricing should be tiered based on usage, such as the number of leads generated per month, outreach automation limits, or premium analytics.

4. Low-Touch Customer Support: 

Offer tutorials, FAQs, and selfservice guides to keep costs low while ensuring users can navigate the platform easily.

5. Grow MRR through Upsells and Retention: 

Encourage customers to move to higher pricing tiers by offering advanced features (AI driven analytics, more sophisticated outreach automation, or integrations with CRMs). Focus on retaining customers by constantly updating features and ensuring value remains high.

Demand and Growth Opportunities:

Increasing Demand for Automation: Businesses are always looking for ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency, especially in repetitive processes like lead generation.

Affordable SaaS for Small Businesses: By offering a low cost, high value tool, you capture small businesses and solopreneurs who can’t afford larger, more expensive platforms but need to scale their lead generation efforts.

High MRR Growth Potential: With a low churn rate and continuous addition of new subscribers, Micro SaaS businesses can achieve steady MRR growth, as automation becomes indispensable for small business operations.  The Micro SaaS + AI model provides recurring revenue, scalability, and automation while addressing a high demand area: lead generation. This makes it an attractive business model with strong growth potential.

AI and RPA enhance scalability and efficiency, while the low cost model attracts users, driving recurring revenue. 

The business thrives on providing value through automation, offering tiered pricing and upsells for advanced features, making it ideal for solopreneurs and small businesses looking to scale operations efficiently.

The business model of managing social media for clients using AI (Artificial Intelligence) and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) revolves around automating repetitive tasks, optimizing engagement strategies, and improving content effectiveness. 

Here's a breakdown of how this business model works and why it’s so profitable:

1. Content Creation & Scheduling:

AI generated content: AI tools analyze trends, customer behavior, and engagement data to create relevant, engaging content. It can generate posts, captions, hashtags, and even suggest the best visuals for different platforms.

RPA automates scheduling: Once content is created, RPA tools can automatically schedule posts across multiple social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) at optimal times, maximizing visibility and engagement.

2. AI-Powered Analytics & Insights:

Realtime data analysis: AI continuously monitors engagement metrics (likes, shares, comments, etc.), audience demographics, and competitor performance. This data is used to refine social media strategies, ensuring content is targeted and effective.

Predictive analytics: AI tools predict trends, helping businesses stay ahead by identifying topics or types of content that will likely perform well in the future.

3. Automated Customer Interaction:

AI-Driven Chatbots: These bots can engage with customers in real time, answering FAQs, providing recommendations, and driving sales 24/7. This allows brands to deliver superior customer service without needing human intervention. 

Automated responses: RPA can automatically respond to comments, messages, and DMs based on predefined rules or AI's natural language processing capabilities.

4. Ad Campaign Automation:

AI optimized ads: AI tools create, monitor, and optimize social media ad campaigns based on performance metrics and audience behavior. They adjust targeting, budgets, and ad creatives to maximize ROI without manual intervention.

RPA handles deployment: RPA automates the process of running ads across different platforms, ensuring campaigns are deployed on time and under the right conditions.

5. Performance Reporting & Optimization:

Automated reporting: AI can compile detailed performance reports, showing clients how their campaigns are doing in real time. These reports can be customized to highlight key performance indicators (KPIs) like engagement, conversion rates, and ROI.

Constant optimization: Based on AI insights, social media strategies are continually optimized to drive better results with less effort.

Why It’s So Profitable:

1. Low Operational Costs:

Minimal manual labor: Since AI and RPA automate most of the tasks, fewer employees are needed to manage multiple clients, significantly reducing operational costs.

Scalability: The business can handle a large number of clients simultaneously without significantly increasing costs, allowing for rapid scaling.

2. Higher Efficiency & Accuracy:

24/7 activity: AI and RPA can manage social media accounts round the clock, ensuring that posts go out at the best times and that customer inquiries are addressed instantly, something that would be impossible with a purely manual approach.

Data driven strategies: AI helps create more effective content and advertising strategies by analyzing vast amounts of data, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates for clients.

3. Recurring Revenue Model:

Multi-$1000 Subscription-Based Services: Social media management is often offered as a monthly service with clients paying a recurring fee. Since social media needs constant updating and optimization, clients are likely to stay on for the long term, providing consistent revenue.

Upselling Opportunities: You can offer premium services like advanced analytics, customized ad campaigns, or influencer collaborations, which increases your revenue per client.

4. Personalization at Scale:

Targeted campaigns: AI allows you to personalize content and ads for different audience segments, which increases engagement and conversion rates. Clients value this personalized attention, making your service more attractive.

Automated customer service: AI powered chatbots enhance customer experience by providing real time responses and personalized interactions, boosting client retention and customer satisfaction.

5. Improved ROI for Clients:

Better ad performance: AI optimized ad campaigns drive better returns on ad spend by continuously refining targeting and creatives, which means clients are willing to pay more for the results you deliver.

Enhanced brand engagement: With AI tools optimizing every aspect of social media, clients will see improved engagement, better customer interactions, and more conversions, making your service indispensable.

6. Saving Time for Clients:

Clients don’t have the time or expertise to manage their social media effectively. By using AI and RPA, you provide a high value, timesaving service that delivers better results than manual management.

By using AI and RPA to handle repetitive tasks, optimize content, and run ad campaigns, you significantly reduce costs while delivering better performance, allowing you to charge premium prices for your services.

The most beautiful thing about this model is that at $2 - $7000 per month per client, it only takes a handful of clients to earn a brain surgeon's salary. 

Think about this too, it's not just influencers, it's every business. Hospitals, utility companies, governments, car dealerships, you name it - everyone has a social media presence that has to be managed, and it's becoming impossible for businesses to employ those managers because of rising costs and employee shortages.

You’ll be able to open one of these within a week of attending this event.

The AI-created faceless YouTube video business model revolves around producing engaging videos without showing a person on camera, relying on AI tools to handle content creation. 

Here's how it works: 

AI generates scripts based on trending topics, writes SEO-optimized content, and creates voiceovers using text to speech technology. 

AI driven video editors compile stock footage, animations, or visuals to match the narration, creating compelling videos. 

This approach allows you to produce high quality, scalable content in popular niches like finance, tech, or health without needing to appear on camera. 

The revenue comes from ad income, affiliate marketing, or sponsorships, while AI automates most of the work.

Starting an AI-created faceless YouTube video business is a smart, low effort, high reward venture. Here’s why: You can tap into profitable niches like tech, finance, or health without ever showing your face or filming anything. 

With AI handling scripts, voiceovers, and video editing, you can quickly produce content at scale, targeting high traffic topics. This means consistent uploads and fast growth, which leads to more ad revenue, affiliate commissions, and sponsorship deals. It’s a hands-off, scalable model with low overhead and huge passive income potential… AI does the heavy lifting while you focus on growing and monetizing your channel.

There are tons of publishers right now making thousands of dollars a day just from YouTube fees, not counting what you can sell from these videos or what you can make creating them for other people. 

We will actually create faceless videos LIVE from talks at the AI Bot Summit while you watch in real time!!!

The affiliate marketing with AI and RPA business model leverages automation and AI tools to optimize and scale affiliate marketing efforts. 

Here’s how it works:

AI analyzes market trends, consumer behavior, and keyword data to identify high converting affiliate products. RPA automates repetitive tasks like content creation (blogs, social media posts), email marketing, and ad campaigns, ensuring consistent promotion across platforms. 

AI can personalize content, targeting the right audiences at the right time, increasing conversions. With automation handling SEO, tracking performance, and optimizing strategies, you maximize efficiency and profits. 

This model allows you to scale quickly while minimizing manual labor, making it a cost effective, high profit business.

Starting an AI and RPA-driven affiliate marketing business is a no brainer if you're looking for a hands off, scalable income stream. Here’s the kicker: AI tools handle the heavy lifting, analyzing trends and consumer behavior to pinpoint profitable affiliate products. 

Meanwhile, RPA automates content creation, email marketing, and ad campaigns, keeping your promotion machine running 24/7. You can focus on scaling the business while automation works behind the scenes to drive traffic, optimize conversions, and track performance. 

It’s lowcost, high profit, and easily scalable, letting you earn passive income with minimal effort while tapping into the booming affiliate market.

This is the ultimate one man to Millions model. Guys like Reed Floren post huge profits every year without any employees at all.

That's why I've asked him to lead this session. Start working on your notetaking pencil hand now :)

This is a complete BLUE OCEAN.

You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a marketer, but operations people (executors) are as rare as teeth at a Willie Nelson concert.

An AI based fractional COO agency provides part time, high level operational management services to multiple companies, powered by AI tools to streamline tasks. 

Here’s how the business model works:

You act as a Chief Operating Officer (COO) on a fractional basis, offering strategic leadership without the full time commitment or cost of a traditional COO. 

AI tools manage routine tasks like project management, data analysis, resource allocation, and process optimization, allowing you to serve multiple clients efficiently. 

You focus on delivering high value operational strategies, while AI handles the backend, increasing productivity. The model generates revenue through retainer fees or service based contracts, making it scalable and highly profitable.

Starting an AI based fractional COO agency is a brilliant move for anyone with operational expertise. Here’s why: businesses need high level operational guidance but can’t always afford a full-time COO. 

That’s where you come in, offering your expertise part-time, supported by AI tools that handle the grunt work like data analysis, project management, and process automation. 

This allows you to serve multiple clients, maximizing your income without overwhelming your time. Plus, with AI boosting efficiency, you deliver better results faster. It’s a scalable, high demand business with recurring revenue, giving you the flexibility to grow while delivering massive value to clients.

I pay an operations agency over $20,000 a month right now to handle the nuts and bolts of my businesses and I couldn't live without them, believe me they will be the last service provider that I ever fire. 

If you are an operations person this is your chance.

The AI and RPA publishing business model for books, audiobooks, courses, newsletters, videos, and podcasts automates content creation, distribution, and marketing processes, allowing you to scale and diversify revenue streams with minimal effort. 

Here's how it works:

1. Content Creation: AI tools generate written content (books, newsletters, courses), scripts for podcasts/videos, and even voiceovers for audiobooks. RPA automates tasks like formatting, editing, and scheduling content releases.

2. Marketing:  AI driven analytics identify trends, optimize SEO, and personalize marketing campaigns. RPA automates email campaigns, social media posts, and paid advertising.

3. Distribution: AI tools push content to platforms like Amazon (for books), Spotify (for podcasts), and YouTube (for videos), while RPA handles cross platform publishing.

4. Revenue Streams: You monetize through book/course sales, subscription based newsletters, ad revenue from podcasts/videos, and affiliate marketing.

With AI and RPA, this model lets you produce and distribute content at scale, maximizing profits and reaching broader audiences while saving time.

Starting the AI-powered newsletter portion of your publishing business is the smartest first step because it builds your audience while laying the groundwork for other revenue streams like books, courses, and podcasts. 

With AI, you can automate content creation, curate personalized insights, and deliver consistent, high quality newsletters that engage and grow your subscriber base. 

As your audience grows, you can promote your other products (books, audiobooks, etc.), turning newsletter subscribers into loyal customers. 

Newsletters are cost effective, provide recurring revenue through subscriptions, and give you direct access to an engaged audience—setting the stage for your entire AI powered content empire.

I'm obviously a huge proponent of this business model as it is the way that I make the vast majority of my income. I can't wait to show you the advances that we've made working with the Beehiiv platform.

The beauty here is you never have to create a product to sell, you can just sell your own like my buddy Matt Paulson who does hundreds of millions of dollars in affiliate commissions from his newsletter business.

An AI driven communications agency that produces integrated email, SMS, social media, content, and ad communications focuses on automating and optimizing multichannel marketing for businesses. Here’s how the business model works:

1. Service Offering

You provide end to end communication strategies, from crafting AI-generated personalized emails, SMS campaigns, and social media content to automated ad creation and targeting. AI tools analyze customer data to personalize messages, increasing engagement and conversions.

2. Automation

RPA tools handle the scheduling, deployment, and followup for these campaigns, ensuring consistent, timely communication across platforms. This reduces manual labor and maximizes efficiency.

3. Revenue Streams

Charge clients through retainer fees or per campaign pricing, offering fully managed services. You can also offer performance based pricing, where clients pay based on conversions or other success metrics.

4. Scalability

AI and RPA allow you to serve multiple clients with minimal manual effort, as most processes are automated. This lets you scale the agency while maintaining high quality, personalized communication for clients.

By leveraging AI for data driven personalization and automation, your agency provides value through highly targeted, multichannel communication that drives results, helping businesses grow while securing recurring revenue for your agency.

Starting an AI driven communications agency is a golden opportunity for massive growth and profit. Businesses are desperate for seamless, multichannel marketing: email, SMS, social media, ads, all working together to drive sales. 

But here’s the kicker: most companies don’t have the tools or knowhow to execute it effectively. 

With AI and automation, you can offer hyper personalized, data driven campaigns that deliver consistent results across platforms—24/7, without the need for massive staff. 

You’ll save clients time, boost their ROI, and scale your own agency effortlessly. It's a high demand, scalable model that lets you charge premium rates for results that practically sell themselves.

Email is getting much harder to deliver, as is SMS, and hyper personalization is the secret to your success. This can only be done in scale by using AI so this arena is wide open for you to come in and rake a bunch of money off the table.

What's more, most companies don't have anyone overseeing all of these different channels together. This is the big opportunity. You get to be the conductor so desperately needed to run this band of communicators.

It's really not hard to understand and I'll explain the entire thing at the summit.

Opening an AI and RPA-driven offer creation company focusing on copywriting, landing page design, and conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a strategic move with huge profit potential. Here’s why:

1. Automated Efficiency: AI can generate high converting copy, design optimized landing pages, and analyze performance data in realtime. RPA handles repetitive tasks like A/B testing, reporting, and workflow automation, streamlining the entire process and delivering faster results for clients.

2. High Demand: Businesses constantly need fresh offers that convert, but most struggle to craft persuasive copy and optimize their sales funnels. You’ll solve this pain point by providing automated, data driven solutions that increase conversions and revenue.

3. Scalability: Automation allows you to handle multiple clients without increasing overhead. As demand grows, AI and RPA enable you to easily scale your services, creating a low cost, high margin business model.

4. Monetization: You can charge for offer creation services, subscription based CRO solutions, and results driven fees based on conversion improvements, securing recurring revenue.

Starting this business positions you as a conversion expert while leveraging cutting edge technology, ensuring long term profitability.

Every company needs persuasive copy, optimized landing pages, and higher conversion rates, but few can do it effectively without expert help. 

By automating copywriting, design, and conversion optimization with AI and RPA, you deliver fast, databacked results at scale, making your services indispensable. 

Conversions are everything in this business and once you realize how you can optimize them by using these tools you'll be seen as a magician to everyone else.

This is going to be a lot of fun to teach and even more fun for you to learn at The Summit.

Book Your A.I. Bot Tickets NOW at 75% Off - Or Even More?

Over the course of three intensive days, I’m going to pull back the curtain and show you exactly how we're using AI and RPA to:

1. Generate a flood of highly qualified leads on autopilot

2. Convert those leads into paying customers with unprecedented efficiency

3. Deliver our products and services with minimal human intervention

4. Scale our operations without proportionally increasing our costs

In short, we're going to show you how to build a business that operates like a finely tuned machine, with AI and RPA doing ALL the heavy lifting while you focus on strategy and growth.

Meet Your Instructors For This Live 3 Day A.I. Botapalooza

Perry Belcher

$900,000,000+ Digital Marketer

Perry Belcher is a well known entrepreneur, digital marketer, and copywriter with extensive expertise in internet marketing, eCommerce, and business growth strategies.

He is a cofounder of DigitalMarketer, a leading digital marketing education platform, and has been involved in various successful ventures over his career.

Belcher is highly regarded for his A.I. enhanced skills in direct response marketing, copywriting, and sales funnel optimization.

He has created multiple training programs, authored books, and given keynote speeches on topics related to digital marketing, traffic generation, conversion optimization, and business scaling.

In addition to DigitalMarketer, Perry has been involved in various other entrepreneurial pursuits, including owning businesses in different sectors like health, wellness, and consumer goods.

He is known for his down to earth teaching style and practical advice for entrepreneurs looking to build successful online businesses.

His work focuses on helping businesses grow through strategic online marketing efforts, focusing heavily on customer acquisition and increasing lifetime value through effective marketing strategies.

Reed Floren

AKA Mr. Automation

Reed Floren is a digital marketer, entrepreneur, and internet marketing coach known for his expertise in affiliate marketing, product launches, and traffic generation. 

He has been active in the online marketing space for over a decade, teaching others how to make money online through various strategies, including email marketing, joint ventures, and leveraging digital products.

Molly Mahoney

AKA Agent Sparkle Pants

Molly Mahoney is an entrepreneur, speaker, and expert in social media marketing, particularly known for helping businesses grow their online presence through video content.

She is the founder of The Prepared Performer, a company that offers training and coaching on how to use live video, social media strategies, and automation tools to generate leads and engage audiences.

Mario Castelli

AKA Prince of Persuasion

Mario Castelli is a professional copywriter known for his work in direct response marketing and copywriting for various businesses. He specializes in creating persuasive content that drives action, such as sales letters, landing pages, email marketing campaigns, and advertisements. 

Castelli’s focus is on A.I. crafting compelling messages that resonate with target audiences and convert leads into customers.

Emma Rainville

AKA Wizard of Ops

Emma Rainville is a dynamic and unconventional personality known for her fierce independence and unapologetic approach to life. With a sharp wit and a talent for challenging the status quo, she has become an "acquired taste" among those who know her, admired for her authenticity and boldness. 

Emma has built her reputation as someone who doesn’t sugarcoat reality and embraces life on her own terms. Whether it’s through her career, her personal relationships, or her candid takes on the world around her, Emma is a force to be reckoned with. 

Her journey has not been without challenges, but it’s Emma’s resilience and refusal to conform that define her. She stands tall, never afraid to speak her mind, and those lucky enough to earn her respect know her loyalty and insight are invaluable. Emma Rainville is an acquired taste because she isn’t for everyone—but for those who appreciate honesty, strength, and a bit of rebellious charm, she’s unforgettable.

Not only do you get to meet and learn from all these professionals… you’ll get certified too :)

Earn 7 Third Party Certifications in Just 3 Days Live And Become a Certified A.I. Automations Expert

Getting certified in AI and Robotics, particularly from a recognized third party like Qualified.org, is crucial for several reasons

1. Demonstrates Expertise and Knowledge

AI and Robotics are rapidly growing fields, transforming industries like manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and more. 

By earning certifications, you prove that you have up-to-date knowledge and skills in these high demand areas. 

Certifications validate that you've met industry standards and have practical understanding of AI, machine learning, and robotics principles.

2. Enhances Credibility and Professionalism

Third Party certifications from a trusted source like Qualified.org lend credibility to your resume or professional profile. 

They show that your skills are recognized by an independent, reputable organization, giving potential employers or clients more confidence in your abilities.

3. Increases Employability and Career Advancement

With AI and Robotics in high demand, certifications make you more competitive in the job market. Companies are looking for skilled professionals who can integrate AI and robotics into their business processes. 

By showcasing multiple certifications, you’re signaling that you are not only competent but also versatile, capable of applying these skills across a range of challenges.

4. Keeps You Current in a Fast-Changing Field

AI and Robotics are fields that are constantly evolving. Earning certifications helps ensure that you are keeping pace with the latest technologies and methodologies, positioning yourself as a forward thinking professional who is continually learning and adapting.

5. Boosts Problem-Solving and Innovation Skills

Getting certified involves learning how to solve complex problems using AI and robotics technologies. It pushes you to think critically and creatively, improving your ability to innovate in your work. 

This kind of skill set is highly valuable in today’s tech driven world.

That’s just a small sample of what you'll discoveR…

There’s so many more secrets, hacks and strategies to discover inside the room at AI Bot Summit 4, like…

The 5 AI tools that are absolute must haves

for any serious business owner in 2024 (and no, ChatGPT isn't one of them)

Our proprietary "RPA Profit Matrix":

A system for identifying & automating the 20% of your work that generates 80% of your revenue

The little known AI copywriting technique that's increased our email open rates by 237% and our clickthrough rates by 412%

How to use predictive analytics to

anticipate your customers' needs (this alone could double your customer lifetime value)

The "AI Customer Journey Optimizer"

that's cut our customer acquisition costs by 68% (and increased their satisfaction scores)

Our step by step process for creating

AI powered chatbots that can handle 95% of customer service


The RPA workflow that

cut our accounts payable processing time by 89%

and eliminated costly bookkeeping errors.

How to use machine learning algorithms to

optimize your pricing strategy in real time, maximizing your profit on every single transaction.

The AI driven content creation system that allows us to produce 10X more high quality,

SEO optimized content in less than half the time

And much, much more…

Now, I know what you might be thinking: "This all sounds great, but I'm not a tech genius. 

Me either…

Can I really implement these strategies in my business?"

The answer is a resounding YES. And that’s not just your business… You get to do it in others too :)

You see, I have a unique advantage. I’m not just an AI and RPA teacher – I’m a marketer and business owner first. 

I understand the challenges you face because we face them too.

That's why we've designed this summit to be accessible to entrepreneurs at all levels of technical expertise. Whether you're a complete novice or a seasoned coder, you'll walk away with actionable strategies you can implement immediately.

But don't just take my word for it.

Here's what some of our past attendees from our 3 previous A.I. Bot Summits have to say:

now you're probably wondering about the investment required to attend this game changing event.

I know you're probably wondering about the investment required to attend this game changing event.

Well, let me ask you this: How much would it be worth to you to have a complete blueprint for transforming your business into an AI and RPA powered profit machine?

$10,000? $20,000? $50,000?

Considering the potential return on investment, those figures wouldn't be unreasonable. In fact, many of our past attendees have told us they would have gladly paid that much given the results they've achieved.

But here's the thing: I’m not interested in maximizing our short term profits. 

I’m playing the long game. 

Our goal is to create a community of forward thinking entrepreneurs who are leading the AI and RPA revolution.

That's why we've decided to price the AI & RPA Profit Summit at just $2,497

"Profit First"

Pay Later - AFTER You Make Money From A.I. Bot Summit!

I believe in this event so much I’ll take all the risks.

To make A.I. Bot Summit even more accessible, we're offering a unique "Profit First" payment plan.



Here's how it works:

1. You put down a deposit of just $497 today to cover my costs and to secure your spot.

2. You attend the summit and implement what you learn.

3. If you don't make at least $2,000 in new profits within 30 days of the event, you don't owe me another penny. 


4. But when (not if) you do make at least $2,000 in new profits, you simply pay the remaining $2,000 balance.

I call this our "Honor System," and yes, I know some people might take advantage of it... But I’m not worried about those people. 

I’m focused on building relationships with serious entrepreneurs who understand the value of what we're offering.

Now, before you rush to secure your spot, I need to be clear about a few things:

1. This event is not for everyone. If you're looking for get rich quick schemes or magical "push-button" solutions, this isn't for you. 

I’m looking for serious entrepreneurs who are ready to roll up their sleeves and do the work required to transform their businesses.

2. I’m limiting attendance to just 500 people. (We SELL OUT Every Time) This ensures that every attendee gets the personal attention they need to fully grasp and implement these strategies.

3. This is a one-time event. We will not be selling recordings or replays to NON-ATTENDEES. If you're not there in person, you'll miss out. Period.

4. The "Profit First" payment plan is only available for a limited time. Once we reach 50% capacity, this offer will be pulled and full payment will be required up front.

So if you're ready to join the AI and RPA revolution and transform your business into a 21st century profit machine, here's what you need to do right now:

1. Click through to the registration form below.

2. Fill out your details and submit your $497 deposit.

3. Block off January 6th, 7th and 8th on your calendar.

4. Book your travel to Orlando.

5. Show up ready to have your entrepreneurial mind blown.

It's that simple.

Look, the AI and RPA revolution is happening whether you're on board or not. Your competitors are already exploring these technologies. The question is, will you be a leader or a follower?

This is your chance to get ahead of the curve, to position your business at the forefront of this technological tsunami.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Register now while spots are still available:

Save ANOTHER $200 By Making A Promise To Give Me Your Honest Opinion

IMPORTANT: Get $200 off Today IF You’ll Promise To Make a Video Testimonial AT the event…Good or Bad, just your honest opinion.

All you have to do is film that one quick, honest video, and you save another $200. Grab the code right below - you will be asked to film your testimonial at AI Bot Summit.

Your Code: HonestyCounts

To Your Technologically Enhanced Success,

P.S. Remember, we're limiting this event to just 500 attendees, and the "ProfitFirst" payment plan will be pulled once we reach 50% capacity. 

The last time we held an event like this, we sold out in less than 72 hours. Don't risk missing out. Secure your spot now.

P.P.S. Still on the fence? Consider this: What's the cost of NOT attending?

What opportunities will you miss out on if you don't master AI and RPA now? How much harder will you have to work to keep up with competitors who are leveraging these technologies? 

The real risk isn't in attending – it's in not attending. Register now and put yourself on the path to technological and financial superiority.


Where is AI Bot Summit Going to be Held?

AI Bot Summit 4 takes place at the Florida Hotel, just minutes from the heart of Orlando. Here's some more information about your stay:

The Florida Hotel & Conference Center in Orlando is a well regarded hotel directly attached to the Florida Mall, one of the largest shopping destinations in Central Florida. This convenient location provides guests with seamless access to over 250 retail stores, restaurants, and entertainment options without ever leaving the building. 

The hotel features modern amenities such as spacious guest rooms, a fitness center, an outdoor pool, and multiple dining options, making it a popular choice for both leisure and business travelers.

FAQ image

What are the Dates and Hours for AI Bot Summit?

AI Bot Summit takes place on January 6th, 7th and 8th, 2025.

The event runs from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm with special & optional morning and evening sessions and breakout sessions for software training.

Are there Networking Opportunities?

Yes! There are plenty of chances to get to know everyone attending AI Bot Summit, including a VIP dinner option on night one so you can meet and mingle with the experts in the room.

Last chance - If you’re not already convinced, I don’t know what to tell you… And honestly, I’m not going to try that hard.

AI Bot Summit 4 is going to sell out, with or without you. The fact that you’re on this page right now means that you’ve got the chance to be part of the AI revolution… It doesn’t mean that it’s going to wait around for you.

So here you go - just hit the button right below to pick up your ticket… And don’t blame me if you choose to miss out.



Day 1 - Mastering the Foundations of AI & Robotics in Business

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM - Registration & Networking:

Meet fellow attendees, grab coffee, and settle in before the day's sessions begin.

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM - Opening Keynote: The A.I. Revolution Begins 

I’ll kick off the summit with an overview of the AI & RPA landscape and what to expect over the next three days.

Speaker: Perry Belcher 

9:30 AM – 11:00 AM - Session 1: A.I. Framing vs. A.I. Prompting:

Discover how framing A.I. interactions will transform your business results.  

Speaker: Perry Belcher

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM - Session 2: Custom GPTs for Targeted Industry Solutions:

Learn how to develop AI tools tailored to specific industries, unlocking new revenue streams.  

Speaker: Reed Floren

12:30 PM – 2:00 PM - Lunch Break (on your own):

Explore local restaurants in the Florida Mall or dine at the hotel.

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM - Session 3: AI Chatbots – From Passive to Interactive Websites:  

Turn dead websites into interactive, money-making machines with AI-powered chatbots.  

Speaker: Molly Mahoney

3:30 PM – 5:00 PM - Session 4: The 10 Business Models for AI Profitability  

Deep dive into the 10 most lucrative AI and robotics business models for 2025.  

Speaker: Perry Belcher & Mario Castelli

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM - Bonus Breakout Session: GPT Software Training:

Optional hands-on session on building custom GPT solutions.

Day 2 - Advanced A.I. Implementation for Immediate Results

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM - Morning Networking & Coffee

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM - Session 1: Building Micro SaaS with AI in Minutes  

Watch Perry build a SaaS app live on stage in just minutes and learn how you can replicate it.  

Speaker: Perry Belcher

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM - Session 2: AI-Powered Marketing Automation  

Use AI and RPA to automate your marketing strategies, driving sales and reducing costs. 

Speaker: Molly Mahoney

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM - Lunch Break (on your own)

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM - Session 3: Profiting with Done For You Services Using AI & RPA  

Learn how to implement AI & RPA to offer hands off, cash-generating services to clients.  

Speaker: Perry Belcher & Kasim Aslam

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM - Session 4: AI Automation for Agencies  

Learn how to set up a profitable AI automation agency and attract high paying clients.  

Speaker: Reed Floren

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM - Bonus Session: Tech Stack Training  

An advanced breakout session on integrating tech stacks for AI automation services.  

Speaker: Kasim Aslam

Day 3 - Becoming an AI & Robotics Automation Expert

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM  Morning Networking & Coffee

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM - Session 1: AI Certification Bootcamp  

Prepare for third party certifications that will establish you as a certified AI and RPA expert.  

Speakers: Perry Belcher & Guests

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM - Session 2: Maximizing Profits with AI-Driven Business Models 

Learn how to leverage AI and RPA to scale your operations and reduce costs without human intervention.  

Speaker: Perry Belcher

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM - Lunch Break (on your own)

1:30 PM – 3:30 PM - Session 3: AI-Powered Copywriting for Higher Conversions  

Discover how AI can skyrocket your email open rates, clickthrough rates, and overall marketing performance.  

Speaker: Mario Castelli

3:30 PM – 5:00 PM - Closing Keynote: The Future of AI and RPA in Business  

Final remarks and a sneak peek into where AI & RPA are headed for the next decade.  

Speaker: Perry Belcher

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM - Group Photo & Farewell Reception  

Wrap up the event with a group photo and farewell reception. Grab your AI Expert hat and shirt!

Group & Sponsorship Opportunities

Want to bring a large group to the event, sponsor AI Bot Summit 4, or just have general questions? Contact [email protected] for more information.

©2024 Growth Hacking LLC